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So far Burlington Veterinary Center has created 68 blog entries.

Caring For Your Pet During Their Golden Years

It may seem that only yesterday you were cleaning up the millionth accident, prying your shoe out of your puppy’s mouth for the third time that morning, or trying to lie perfectly still in bed to avoid being ambushed by a frisky, foot-stalking kitten. But the years have passed, and your gangly puppy or ball-of-fluff [...]

Keep Your Pet Safe During the Howl-a-Days

Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas will be here before we know it, so what better time than now to review holiday pet safety? Callie the feisty calico cat, Frank the goofy hound, and Constance the obedient schnauzer are about to start their household meeting on that exact topic. Let's listen in. Callie: I would like to [...]

What Do Painful Pets Say?

Raisin, a ridiculously cute 12-year-old Sphynx who used to love to tear around the house at 3 a.m. with her T-shirt flapping wildly, now prefers to snooze the night away. Mr. Wrinkles, a 10-year-old Shar-Pei, gets a bit testy when his owners playfully ruffle his wrinkles. Bo Peep the sheepdog is intermittently limping on her [...]

5 Tips for Using Nutraceuticals and Over-the-Counter Medications in Your Pet

With more than 85,000 dietary supplements on the market, you’d think these products would undergo rigorous testing and strict quality control measures before being placed on the shelves. However, unlike medications, no government agency oversees the safety, efficacy, or claims the supplement manufacturers make. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) typically monitors and evaluates medications [...]

July Fourth Do’s and Don’ts

In the veterinary world, holidays mean more than celebrations and decadent food—they typically mean an increase in pet emergencies. With picnics, fireworks displays, and general chaos, July Fourth is no exception. Although your holiday may be a little more low-key this year, trouble may still find its way to your pet, and ruin your holiday [...]

How to Keep Your Pet Cool in Hot Weather

Many people don’t begin to worry about heat safety for their furry loved ones until summer strikes in full force. However, pets can be affected by heat exhaustion or heat stroke when temperatures are only in the 70s, especially if left in a car on a sunny day. According to a study in the journal [...]

Beware the Boom: Thunderstorm Phobias and Noise Aversion in Pets

Your pet’s heightened hearing may be useful for hunting in the wild, but as a house pet, that extra sense can lead to noise aversion. Few pets appreciate loud noises, and many are easily startled, or frightened, when faced with a clamorous boom, bang, or bellow. If you don’t take steps to soothe your pet’s [...]

5 Answers to Your Questions About Fear Free Veterinary Care for Your Pet

You may have seen low-stress and Fear Free handling discussed across social media profiles of veterinary professionals, hospitals, and organizations. As pets become a closer part of the family, and more research is carried out on mental health and behavior—in people and pets—the veterinary industry is working diligently to eliminate fear, anxiety, and stress in [...]

10 Facts Every Pet Owner Should Know About Ticks

Ticks are nasty, blood-sucking parasites that creep out many pet owners. Sneaky and stealthy, they seek out any opportunity to feed on you or your pet, potentially transmitting life-threatening disease. Brush up on your tick knowledge with the following 10 facts, and keep you and your pet safe from these pesky parasites. #1: Ticks can [...]

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